サイトマップ 検索

Our Privacy Policy

Yamakasa-NaviOur Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Yamakasa-Navi is managed by Hu-Connect. We respect the privacy of each indivdual and will proceed with any personal information of people contacting us, such as name, date of birth or address, as expained below.

Principles of our Privacy Policy

The company will, in compliance with Japans privacy laws, do everything it can to keep the information of the users of its site private.
Our company will internally handle this sites users informtaion by the guidelines below.

  • Applicants information will be kept for identification purposes.
  • Contributions to the site such as questions or comments sent to us may become publicly available as for example seen in our frequently asked questions part.
  • The information of people entering an open competition will be saved for shipping reasons.
  • Additionally, when the user wishes to be contacted, the information is saved.

Our company does not outsource webite management roles and keeps its employees up to date on safety measurements in order to keep your information safe by taking appropriate actions to prevent unorthorised access and the leakage or destruction of personal data.

当社は、当サイト利用者様の個人情報については、上記利用目的を達成するため、業務委託先又は提携先に預託する場合がございます。その場合は、個人情報の 保護が十分に図られている企業を選定し、個人情報保護の契約を締結する等必要かつ適切な処置を実施いたします。なお、法令等に基づき裁判所・警察機関など の公的機関から開示の要請があった場合については、当該公的機関に提供することがございます。



個人情報お問い合わせ窓口 電話番号 092-283-3775
(月〜金 ただし祝祭日・年末年始を除きます 10:00〜17:00)


代表取締役 矢野 俊幸


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